Thursday, November 10, 2011

You Believe in God?

A light conversation between me and my friends in the evening a rather dark.
Our current topic is about god and I had 5 seconds silence and made ​​no comment to this story.

One day there was a man who wanted to cut her hair at her favorite salon.
In the middle of the hair cutting process going dialogue between the person cutting your hair with it.
The hair cutter: sir, whether you believe in God?
asking: What is it sir?
The hair cutter (in a tone of complete confidence): I do not believe it, try you see a beggar at the door of my salon and then you see me. I am the owner of this salon, my money abundant even I could pay some people to work in this salon, but the beggar, let you see. Could he fed my dog ​​at home 3 times in one day? No way! In conclusion, if indeed God exists God will not let this happen difference.
Listen to the explanation of the cutting someone's hair is just silent. like any other customer after getting hair neat he paid then left.
A moment later someone came to the salon again bring shabby-looking homeless man with long hair and very different from one's hair is neat.
There was more dialogue here.
(shouting) someone: I do not believe in cutting hair in the world.
Cutting hair: your hair right now is the work of master barber.
Someone: if the barber does really exist, let's see the barber who I take it. look at her hair, very untidy, dirty, dull and unsightly. but just look at me, all people on earth know that my hair is neat.
Barbers still only hear the opinion of someone then fell and cried.

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Beginning Of Facebook

Owner facebook crowned the young billionaire.
Because the results of his own sweat.
Like what facebook history itself?

It turned out early in the virtual world facebook is a site link Harvard students, there are many who like him, he boldly followed his senior, Bill Gates, dropped out of Harvard to develop the site into facebook that we know today.

Who would have thought facebook was only sites worldwide now connecting students?

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Differences in Intelligence, Intelligence, Creativity, and Innovative.

you smart?
or you're smart?
You may include a creative person?
or whether you are the "innovative" it?
do you know a noticeable difference to the four positive things above?
he's the short answer,

Intelligence is your ability to absorb information.
Intelligence is the ability to manage intelligence.
Creativity is the ability to make a difference.
Innovative is the ability to find commercial value of creativity.

very different is not it?

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Who Created The Alphabet For The Blind.

I am truly amazed by louis braille.
Well, get on with it.

Louis Braille suffered damage to one eye when she was 3 years old. At that time he accidentally stabbed himself with his hole-maker from his father's tools. Then the other eye affected by sympathetic ophthalmia, a type of infection that occurs because of damage to the eyes of others. Blindness does not deter her, she created the Braille alphabet so that helps a blind person can read. Now who does not know Braille alphabet?

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why Einstein Stuck Out His Tongue in One Picture?

Have you ever seen Einstein poses that are sticking out his tongue?
Do you know why?

As her birthday many paparazzi who wanted to cover this great genius.
So many Einstein was uncomfortable with such conditions is then a short story of Einstein left them.
In the midst of his departure was in poorer Einstein barrier in the way by a number of paparazzi but ended up with Einstein's energy could escape as well.
When Einstein up the car, Einstein turned and stuck out his tongue as an expression of derision that the paparazzi did not managed to catch it.
But there is one that perpetuates the moment.
Then after Einstein knew about the photo turns out Einstein personally liked it.
Then he enlarge the picture to focus on Einstein's face and then he distributed to his friends.
Just added a complete picture of the photo is a photo of Einstein's family in the car.

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Logic tests, Einstein's work

Getting to know this one figure, Albert Einstein.
He was the inventor of the theory of relativity with a very popular formula.
In addition to the physics genius of Einstein was also found time to write a logic test. The answer to fully test this logic using reasoning and logic.
But it turns out 98% of people on earth could not find the answer.
You Did one of the 2% of humans who could find the answer?
There are 5 houses each have a different color.
1 house occupied one man with a different national from one house to another house.
Each resident likes a certain type of beverage.
Every occupant of cigarettes a certain brand of cigarettes.
Each resident maintains a certain animal species.
No single occupant ever: drink the same beverage type, smoking a cigarette brand
same time, maintaining the same animal species.
The question: "Who cares for fish?"

1. English people staying at home colored red.
2. Swedish people get a dog.
3. Denmark people drink tea.
4. Green house is located next to the white house.
5. The inhabitants of the green house drinks coffee.
6. Dwellers in the middle like drinking milk.
7. Occupants yellow Dunhill cigarettes.
8. People living in Norway at the first house.
9. Residents who smoke cigarettes marlboro residents who live next to cats.
10. Sice live next to Dunhill smoker.
11. Smokers winfill like to drink beer.
12. People Norwegian blue house.
13. Rothmans cigarettes german people.
14. Marlboro smoker next door to the water drinkers.
Please comment to your answer?
You are also allowed to explain your answer.

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Benefit Of Insurance

Maybe the word is already familiar to us all. but why do so many of us are not insured?
I am not one employee of any insurance company.
I just wanted to share my limited knowledge about the benefits of insurance.
What I tell here limited only as mere knowledge.
No persuasion or compulsion that you are insured for all decisions in your hands, you are the king.
Quite obvious is not it?

1. Providing security and protection.
Providing security and protection means, by having an insurance policy, the insured will be protected from the possibility of losses arising in the future and become calm his soul because of the insured object is guaranteed by the insurer.

2. Distribution of costs and benefits more fairly.
Distribution of costs and benefits of a more equitable means, the greater the likelihood of the risk of losses incurred, the greater the coverage premium.

3. Giving Certainty.
Provide certainty means, is the main benefit of insurance because insurance is basically trying to reduce the consequences of an uncertain adverse circumstances (Peril), which had previously estimated that the cost or financial consequences of the loss is to be fixed or relative certainty.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Should Adopt Guidelines on!

These guidelines I found in the Dale Carnegie book with the title "How to win friends and Influence people". Guidelines that can be used by all humans on earth, and I personally believe that if these guidelines in practice by the human world will come peace-awaited us all. Example of short story below is taken from one family but could (I even asked) to do together.

Opera tenor Jan Peerce, after he got married almost 50 years, he once said "My wife and I had an appointment in advance, and we keep it, no matter how angry we are against each other, when one of us shouted, the other should listen, because if two people shouting and communication will not occur just sounds unpleasant noise on hearing ".

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Way That Is Easy and Quick to Memorize Formulas of Physics.

The problem is actually not memorize formulas of physics complicated problems such as nerve cells in our bibs. Actually very easy to memorize formulas of physics. I got this telling moment from my own personal experience and the result, I get the highest score on the physics test in my class. Just to notice, when I was 2 years out of school and the way that I use, not many and not difficult. There is only one way, interested? Hopefully you are interested.
Here's how to memorize formulas of physics.

"Understand Symbols-Symbol"
In physics formula using the symbol or emblem has become a natural thing.
"How can you do the problem if the meaning of the symbols of a physics formula you just do not know".

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Why Food In The Refrigerator, Not Stale Fast?

I've discussed this with my friends. Even then our teacher had to explain it. I remember when it was chemistry and we are discussing the reaction rate.
Leave it to define the reaction rate first. The rate of reaction is the time of normal iron becomes rusty iron. The reader, the above iron just as an example for understanding the reaction rate we can understand easily. Iron above can be replaced with other objects. Since we are discussing right now is food, then the definition of reaction rate is a time of fresh foods become spoiled food. Got it?

Now we already know what the reaction rate. And sooner or later affect the timing of fresh food become stale is the temperature. So if your child, your grandfather, your brother asks "Why not fast food in the refrigerator stale?" Answer with complete confidence and without doubt "Temperature"!

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How Your Lifestyle?

True, how your lifestyle?
Here I present lifestyle is good and highly recommended.

  1. "Both ends meet bedtime" Ages ago, people slept for 9 hours in one day. However, people who sleep less than 7 hours, this trend associated with decreased mental health of most people. Therefore you get yourself to sleep in one day for 8-10 hours each night to help the brain to recover completely.

  1. "Walk" Just 90 minutes a week can make your body and your brain to keep it fresh.

  1. "Expand social relations" our ancestors the famous are not easily hurt. One reason our forefathers very happy if you enjoy a meal with fruit or 50-100 people. With so may lower the height of selfishness that one reason for the disruption of mental health.
    Only 3?
    Why not, maybe there are many other ways?
    Should your question, "Is it enough"?
    Sure enough. (than nothing).

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    Wednesday, October 26, 2011

    Gambling opportunities are minimal and recommended to STOP!

    Gambling is an alternative way to earn money and a lot shorter.
    But I believe gambling is forbidden in any religion. Those who gamble are those who only know winning and losing, but it is not as simple as this. To get the victory is not that easy for those who know.
    You already know? If not I tell you.

    Real gamble is to realize the dream of "opportunity" to win a reality. But the "opportunity" is what makes me not interested in gambling. Let's go back to school, where there is learning about the opportunities. In short odds is the sample space divided by the incident.
    Want to calculate your chances of winning?

    1. For example a dice, the sample space has 6, 6 derived from the number of eyes on the dice (1,2,3,4,5,6) how the sample space for gambling that you're living?
    2. If you believe the dice 5 appeared on the first pitch, then it happened. So the incident appeared with spots 5 on a dice is 1 (because in a dice there is only one figure 5).
    3. you already know the scene and then divide the number of sample space scene with the existing 1:6 sample chamber. description: 1 = eye dice 5 / events, 6 = sample space.
    That's an example for a cube that has a little bit about how the sample chamber with sample space gamble more than 1,000?

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    Saturday, October 22, 2011

    The Yellow and Orange vs Cholesterol

    Who are people in the world do not want to be healthy?
    If you are one of them then stop reading this article right now!
    Since the effects of reading this article make you healthy.

    I am a person who wants a healthy and delicious way, then I found the way and wanted to share with you.

    Fruits and vegetables are colored yellow and orange (corn, peaches, grapefruit, carrots, yellow watermelon, mango, pumpkin squash, and sweet potatoes) may reduce the risk of suffering from atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) up to 4x as much.

    Materials are colored yellow and orange intein containing a high concentration of antioxidants, zeaxathin and cryptoxanthin. Antioxidants are potent suppress cholesterol, cleans the blood vessels, and makes your blood vessels to remain flexible.

    Life's yellow!

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    Is Blood Donor Makes Us Healthy?

    Many people are not indifferent when I saw the posts where to donate blood. There is not even glance at it.
    I do not mean patronizing those who do not want to donate blood but I try to talk facts about blood donation.

    Here's the facts about blood donation:

    1. Your blood pressure will be checked for free and regular.
    2. You will receive free tests for hepatitis and HIV, and sometimes also checks cholesterol.
    3. Your risk of heart attack will decrease, due to iron levels.
    4. You will be reminded again will your blood type.
    5. You may feel weak for a while but you make sense of virtue is gone.

    So why hesitate to blood donors?

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    You Like to Play Guitar?

    Lots of guitar legends on this beloved earth, including Jimmy Hendrix, Van Haughten Stevi Rai, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsten, and others. They are superstars guitar his day.
    They make your guitar playing passionately and very hard to describe. But the question is, why they're great guitar playing?

    Once upon a time the game music is a way of expressing one's feelings. Talking about it let us refer to a piece of the story of "expression" of this. African slaves were bought and forcibly employed on plantations owned by Europeans primarily along misisipi in the 18th century.
    Their behavior is very limited and even prohibited to communicate with each other or talk to each other. From there they make their own communication channels ranging from singing, whistling and hitting objects around them that produce sounds, after they were freed from the rules inhumane they rejoice, singing and dancing every day.

    The conclusion of a short reading on it that music is one way of expression.
    Back to the original question why they are great at playing the guitar?
    Because the answer is they're great (maximal) in the expression.

    You Like to Play Guitar?

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    Friday, October 21, 2011

    Uniquely Human Habit of all the Earth

    Have you ever sat for a moment?
    then thought, what a shame that things be done by everyone?
    Regardless he is a president or even religious figures.
    Of course not breathe, eat, sleep, and so forth that have been commonly known to us.
    "Habit Unique" can you prove it wherever and whenever you want.
    Interestingly again, could do with a very easy way.
    Here's the steps to uncover whether the unique habits of the entire human earth.

    1. Prepare food that has gravy (instant noodle soup).
    2. Serve to your friends.
    3. Consider your friends while stirring the food.

    This is the "Unique Habits" is.
    When food that has stirred the gravy, they will swallow their own saliva.

    You do not believe it?
    Prove it!

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    The Meaning of a Smile

    Can you describe or define what is a smile?
    Of course you can!
    So also with Dale Carnegie, in his book "How to win friends and influence people" there are a few lines a page that explains about the value of a smile.
    Expected for the reader to keep a smile to friends, family, and others.
    Here are some of the value of a smile.

    The Value of a Smile at Christmas

    • He did not ask for a fee, but creates much.
    • He enriches those who receive, without making that gave him destitute.
    • He came just an instant, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
    • He gives rest to the weary, daylight to the despair, sadness and sunlight for the natural antidote for trouble
    • But he can not be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen because he is something that is useless before it is given to others.
    • And if at the last minute Christmas rush, where most of our sellers waiter became too tired to give you a smile, may we ask that you leave your smile?

    So readers, have you smiled today?

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    Why is the Color of Beautiful Flowers?

    What emerges in your mind first when you hear the flowers?
    Of course the colors that attract women.
    Various colors appear in the crown of flowers.
    The symbol of romance is often used by someone to express his feelings.
    Spoke about flowers let us reduce this topic to focus on the crown of flowers.
    Why is it that the flower color is beautiful?
    Why not the others?
    As this is the explanation according to Toto Eko Prayitno.

    He explained that the color of the flower itself is a lure to attract animals such as butterflies, hummingbirds and other birds to come. Animals that come to help the process of fertilization of the flower itself. The wind generated by flapping flight of birds helps stamens towards the pistil.

    brief but clear explanation is not it?

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    Why We Feel Pain When Beaten?

    When you have a healthy child, of course you will be very proud.
    He ran, singing, and playing with their peers.
    Not unexpectedly returned to the condition of your child being hit by his friend crying.
    Amid the sobs of your child, he asks "what if I hit it hurt?"
    As a father, how do you answer?
    Can you answer a question like this?
    If not, here you will find the answer.

    To answer this question go back into your memories when you are in school.
    Do you remember in biology class? about nerves? if you remember, of course you know about the sensory neurons, intermediates and motor neurons.

    The order of why we feel pain, to more easily
    Stimulation of pain -> organ -> sensory neuron cell -> intermediates -> motor neuron-> muscle and glands -> sick

    Written explanation.
    When your child is beaten, it will blow on the skin (organ) and then sent to the stimulation of sensory neurons and motor neurons and intermediate and final results glands and muscle pain then that makes your child cry.

    Not too long explanation not it?
    Hopefully the answer is to make your child stop crying.

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    How a UFO?

    UFO is a word we often hear when talking about space or aliens.

    There are those who believe in the existence ofUFOs some are not.
    And this time without siding any party I try to participate in this matter. Here I am not so interested in digging deeper into this issue. I just people who want to cite the work of Muhammad Isa Daud in his book "Antichrist will arise from the Bermuda triangle" of the workings ofUFOs are described on pages 167-168.

    "Without my knowing it, my hands sticky. A moment later, the earth getting away with incredible speed that it is impossible to imagine. Even more surprising, I do not feel any effects at incredible speeds sari who flew the plane. In fact I felt as if the plane it does not move, but the earth and the scenery that's going away. the effect on me, at the time the plane was flying, was up before me glittering city ofLuz Crose bottom left corner of the entrance plane is transformed into nodes. When I assert my experience that we reached an altitude of 3300 feet in an instant, in 2 or 3 seconds, I think it is impossible not to feel incredible speed when I ride. I felt did not control myself and not wait to ask the reasons I do not feel something of that extraordinary speed. Then the same voice answered my question ".
    Impetus propelling the aircraft in a high speed about the same as the gravitational field.
    gravitational field not only affects the outer wall of the atoms of the plane, even affecting the atoms of the object that is inside my body aircraft such as pilots and other tourists in it like you. This energy remains in compliance with the masses, given the gravity of the earth work on aircraft structures and what was inside without reduced.
    Beginning of energy between the seat and the body is fixed, but has one limitation. This energy is reduced because of reduced gravity field. When the distance that separates between the plane and the sphere of the earth increases, in connection with travel between the stars, the more distant of the planets and centers of gravity, as well as calculated by the calculation of light-years away, it is important to make an artificial gravitational field.

    Then, the voice continued explanation and perfect explanation, or comment on the last paragraph. Because he knew that surprise me, "We set up half the power of gravity." Above the city of New York plane was humble and reduce the height of the previous reach 32,000 feet. "

    That's more or less quotes taken from the book by David Muhammad Isa.
    Hopefully increase our knowledge of all.

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    The World's First President Refuse Paid

    Fernando Lugo Mendez conglomerate or a politician rather than wallow in money. Former bishop is only a beggar social worker. But quite unexpectedly, socialists who study the teachings of Pancasila is even refusing a salary as President of Paraguay, who announced on the night before his inauguration, Friday, August 16 last. Lugo's decision is the greatest miracle in world politics, the history of democracy in the universe. He was alone against the tide of prevailing in all countries, including in the U.S., where the post of president gives privilege and opportunity to enrich themselves and the group. Lugo astonishing decision has been warmly welcomed by thousands of supporters. However, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa warned anxiously, "Once Lugo started to change things, the attack will begin." The attack is going to come from the capitalists, including political forces oriented to the U.S.. It is no coincidence that all the Latin American socialist leaders attending the inauguration of Fernando Lugo, a modest place in the capital Asuncion .. They are united by the spirit of anti-United States, or at least stand up and say NO to the country's super power. By contrast the countries that led the pro-American conservative politicians, namely Mexico, Colombia, Peru, just send an envoy. The socialist wing presidents who attended the inauguration of "president of the poor", among others, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Brazil), Cristina Kirchner (Argentina), Michelle Bachelet (Chile), Evo Morales (Bolivia), and Rafael Correa (Ecuador). Their presence makes the inauguration celebration of the resurrection is a kind of new-style socialism in Latin American soil. Fernando Lugo, 56, won Paraguay's presidential election last April. Previously he worked as a Catholic bishop in poor areas with neighboring countries Brazil,Argentina, and Bolivia's. He got permission while on leave from the Vatican, won the election, and became the first bishop in the world who managed to win the presidential election. Paraguay president of a smaller salary than the salary of members of the House of Representatives DID you how much the salary of a president in Paraguay? According to the Associated Press, the president of Paraguay is the salary of 4,000 U.S. dollars or about Rp.37 million per month. Very small compared to members of the House of Representatives salary, amounting to Rp.49 million per month. And the smaller the more than the salary of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono about Rp.150 million per month. By refusing to get a paycheck, an admirer of Bung Karno thought this would really be a volunteer in Paraguay came to power. Lugo will be the only head of state in the world of pure volunteer work without remuneration alias. Fabulous! Indeed, he rose to power in the country, thanks to the support of the poor, especially landless farmers and trade unions. Perhaps his decision was the most tangible manifestation of solidarity to the poor, which reached 35.6 percent of the total population. This noble act of Fernando Lugo fits very well with the campaign slogan Sutrisno Bachir: because life is an act. Now turn Sutrisno and other Indonesian leaders to imitate the real action Lugo: because life is a real action! Life is to serve ...PARAGUAY landless farmers are the poorest countries in Latin America. This country's major revenue comes from agricultural products, especially soybeans and derived products that contributed more than half of its exports, which in 2007 recorded 2390 million U.S. dollars. Economic growth rate is actually quite good, which is 6.4 percent per year. With a population of "only" 6.5 million people, a country with an area of ​​406,762 sq km This should be prosperous people. However, due to mismanagement of the country; was ruled by dictatorship for 39 years, corruption and nepotism is rampant, and more than a third of the population is landless peasants; then label the poorest countries in the region were forced to prey. Trials on the first day in power: medicine and fuel to disappear from the market TRIUMPH surprising Lugohas put an end to the dominance of the Colorado Party for 61 years in the beautiful country. But it is not impossible, "Golkar" him that Paraguay would return to power, if the coalition government led anarchism Lugo failed to dampen the euphoria resulting from a poor peasant family. Immediately after confirming Lugo won the election, the peasants without land, barged straight agricultural lands held by large companies. At the same time goverment day-old Lugo has been directly shaken by the capitalists, in a way that resulted in fuel stockpiling vital goods disappeared from the market. The drugs also disappeared from pharmacy shelves. This could cause a crisis.

    Source: AP / AFP / Kompas

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    The mystery of Mona Lisa's smile indicated in the famous portrait of Leonardo da Vinci finally revealed. German academics feel confident they have managed to solve the mystery that has lasted several centuries behind the identity of a beautiful girl who becomes the object of his famous paintings.

    Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy businessmanFlorence, Francesco del Giocondo, has long been regarded as the most likely model for the painting of the 16th century. However, art historians have often wondered whether the smiling woman may actually da Vinci's lover, his mother or the artist himself.

    Now the experts at the Heidelberg University library said based on the written record of the owner in a book on the certainty obtained in October 1503 and for all that Lisa del Giocondo was indeed the model in the painting, which is one of the world-famous portrait paintings. "All doubts about the identity of the Mona Lisa have been dashed following the discovery by Dr.. Armin Schlechter, "a manuscript expert, the library said in a statement.

    Until now, only be obtained "inconclusive evidence" from sixteenth-century documents. "This creates room for various interpretations and there are many different identities put forward," said library. The notes were made by Agostino Vespucci, an official and friend of da Vinci Florence, collection of letters written in the Roman orator, Cicero. Posts in Leonardo's notes compares with the ancient Greek artist Apelles and stated he was working on three paintings, one of which is a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo.

    The art experts, who have years of making the painting linked to the medieval era, stating that the Heidelberg discovery is a breakthrough and the previous mention linking the merchant's wife with the portrait painting. "There's no reason to continue to doubt that this is a portrait of another woman," LeipzigUniversity art historian said, Frank Zoelner, told German radio.


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    Did you know?

    1. Grape and grapefruit are two different fruits. Grape is a wine, and grapefruit is a grapefruit.

    1. Formulation of the numbers 1 row of 2 pieces will form a prime number (ie 11). This special prime numbers called repunit Primes. Primes repunit next five consists of a number 19 times, 23 times, 317 times and 1031 times - 2, 19, 23, 317, and 1031 is prime.

    1. 1 January in the Gregorian leap centuries (which is divisible by 400) always falls on a Saturday.

    1. Over the past 120 years (since 1840 till 1960), all U.S. presidents elected in years ending in 0 died in his tenure. This fact is known as the Curse of Tippecanoe (aka Tecumseh's curse and the 20-year presidential curse). "Curse" ended in Ronald Reagan survived an assassination attempt in March 1981.

    1. Since the end of August 2006, Pluto is no longer classified in the planets around the sun (solar member). Together Eris (the largest trans-Neptunian objects after Pluto) and Ceres (the largest asteroid), Pluto is classified in the dwarf-planets or minor planets. Other minor planet Haumea and Makemake. Therefore, since 2006 the number of solar system planets is officially "live" 8 as it was before Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh.

    1. Terrestrial animals with the highest speed is the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), with a speed of 120 km / hour.

    1. Cheetah speed was still inferior to birds Peregrin (Falco Peregrinus), which is the fastest animal on earth, with a cruising speed that can reach 322 km / hour.

    1. Name of village / town is the world's longest Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, the name of the village in north Wales, near the Isle of Anglesey; England.

    1. Definition 1 second applicable according to the International System of Units at this time is the length of duration of Ce-133 atom to vibration as much as 9,192,631,770 times. Differ slightly with the international time standard, in which a second equal to 1 / 60 minute, 1 / 3600 hour, 1 / 86400 days, or 1/31.557.600 Julian year.

    1. UN official languages ​​there are 6 (not 5), namely English, Chinese, Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish.

    1. Tallest building in the world today is the Burj Dubai in DubaiUnited Arab Emirates; with a height of 818 meters. The building is to beat the high CN Tower in TorontoCanada, which has a height of 553 meters.

    1. The world's tallest man who ever lived was Robert Wadlow (1918-1940). At the time of death at the age of 22 years, height 272 cm has been reached.

    1. Only 5 European countries that impose the same standard time in the country with GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), namely the UK, Republic of Ireland, Portugal (except Azores), Spain (Canary Island specialty), and the Faroe Islands.

    1. All circuit beginning with the letter I in Formula 1 (Imola, Istanbul, and Interlagos) has the direction of rotation anti-clockwise circuit.

    1. The title of longest music album ever released is the Soulwax album, released October 22, 2007, entitled "Most of the remixes we've made for other people over the years except for the one for Einstürzende Neubauten Because We Lost it and a Few We did not think sounded good enough or just did not fit in length-wise, but including some That are hard to find Because either people or simply forgot about Them Because They have not been released yet, A Few We really love, We think one is just ok, We did some for free, We did some for money, some for Ourselves without permission and some for friends as swaps but never on time and always at our studio in Ghent. "

    1. The name of the longest in the world is Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvim John Kenneth Loyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Senior. In italics that his family name.

    1. Latin name of the longest animal in the world is a kind of fly called Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides.

    1. Plane's black boxes are not black. Most of the orange black box, and there are also red.

    1. The only national flag that is not rectangular is Nepali flag. Meanwhile, the only national flag that consists of only one color is the flag
    2. Libya.

    1. The death toll from AIDS in 25 years equal to the number of victims died in the influenza pandemic of 1918, a 25-week peak.


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